5 Things for today:
1. I cannot pretend to like Laura Linney as an actress anymore. I am watching John Adams right now and I find her completely unbelievable.
2. I found an indoor golf facility - I want to go once a week until I can go outside. I played pretty well, it felt fairly accurate. Putting is hard, but all in all its fun stuff.
3. I now know what it feels like to have a President. I am not going to get into Politics here, maybe I will start to do so eventually, but at the very least he is making decisions and doing things. Acting on thought. I feel like the last few Clinton years were too wrapped up in nonsense and then we went directly into GW...I'm tired of nonsense. I feel like we have sense now.
4. "1776" is a hard book to read, not in text, but in time...I feel like its going to take a full year. It's size also makes me wish I had a Kindle 2...I am enjoying it though.
5. 39 days, 14 pounds.
my advice for people out there:
Netflix is too awesome to pass up. Movies delivered right to your door, TV shows, the whole thing...its insanely awesome. I can't wait for AppleTV to trump it someday, but for now, if you don't have Netflix, you really need to get it.