does it bother anyone else that Chris Christie had the rant he had, and is getting the praise he is getting? He is a Republican, and while he is a rogue Republican, a true "Maverick" in all honesty, he is still someone who has spent years aligning himself with the mantra that Gov't should be smaller, People should take care of themselves, and if you don't have the wherewithal to grab your own bootstraps and pull yourself up, then you have a deficiency.
Oh, except when your home state gets demolished by a natural disaster, then someone else's boots need to be grabbed.
Listen, I firmly believe Gov't exists to pull people out of jams, and I firmly believe humans should evolve in political thinking, and people should be brave, and in reality the mentality Christie has is actually admirable, but I am just blown away by some of those folks in Republican leadership who can't see 45 feet in front of them and can't see what is so plainly obvious: This tough guy talk sounds great, and has little to no realistic opportunity to work in practice.
What am I getting at? I don't know really, I just know that with the tragedy in Sandy Hook, and GOP members who came out in favor of Gun Control as if a lightbulb turned on, bother me in a very sensitive way. Maybe our side isn't doing enough of a good job explaining ourselves, but I'd love to keep a list. A journal that tracks the hypocrisy, but it's impossible, there's too much of it.
So, to sum up, I want to tell Christie something:
> If you believe people can handle things themselves, and Gov't should shrink, and Obama is spending too much, you simply aren't allowed to ask Congress for more money when it gets challenging in your state. I suggest you DO ask for money in your state, and change your mind about the nature of Gov't.
> Republicans who are now in favor of Gun Control legislation, but weren't before Sandy Hook...We didn't actually think something as heinous as Sandy Hook would happen, but at the same time we Gun Haters do recognize that something insane CAN happen in a real way with guns all over this country. I guess I'm just baffled by the fact that you didn't know that's what could happen - did it really surprise you?
And lastly, to close this insanity out, I wanted to put something down about the Fiscal Cliff.
I sorta think that the Tax Increase + Spending Cuts, while horrific in the short term, are exactly what we need to do, aren't they? Yes, its potentially crippling, but to overuse a phrase, let's rip the god damned band aid off already. Let's fall over the cliff. I'm ready!