Who You Creepin'?

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Training, Cont'd.

I have started to link my MapMyRun routes with twitter, so here on the blog you'll be able to follow my runs, I likely won't be blogging about each run individually.

I went for a run yesterday after my chiropractor appointment, which started at about 9:08 am or so, and I finished the run between 9:33-9:35 - so the run was somewhere between 25 and 27 minutes. I am pretty happy with that kind of run, and it was 3 miles. AND it was so hot.

It was great to change up the route a bit.

On the golf front, got my new handicap from GHIN and I am now at 15.0, down from 17.4 two weeks ago. In my original golf goals email I think, and I can easily check, but I think i wanted to be at 15 by the end of the summer. Oops.

I have some work to do to keep it there.

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