I am baffled by the CNN (read = Left Wing Coverage) of the protests at the Town Halls around the country in regards to Health Care Reform.
The most glaring example is Sebilius in Pennsylvania getting absolutely slammed by protesters, yellers, questioners, etc. The CNN coverage is that they are saying that the outrage is "canned political theater, manifactured by lobbyists." The Democratic National Committee is also speaking out in protest.
The DNC is claiming that the protests are, GASP, organized, and preplanned. The RNC is stupidly denying it, rather than simply denying comment. The entire month of August is going to be filled with these local outbursts while Congresspeople and Senator's head home for their golf, bbq's and scattered work.
But, to get further to the point, I am angered by the fake outrage the DNC is throwing out to the masses for consumption because they know, they know with so much vigor and understanding, that organized protest is the only way to get anything done in this country. The Left uses these tactics when it comes to Abortion Rights, but more importantly, the ENTIRE civil rights movement was based on organized protests.
You cannot be an adult in this world with an ounce of pride in yourself or your own intelligence if you think that Rosa Parks acted alone, or made a spur of the moment decision to sit in the front of the bus. That's just one example. Protests regarding Vietnam were not individual hippies hoping to make a difference - those obviously existed, but large groups organize and mobilize to get their message out.
Left Wingers out there, realize, understand, appreciate, that even if you think these people are out of line and misunderstand the type of America Obama is trying to create, you have to realize that many millions see the Obama Health Care Plan as an issue that will make their lives worse, to a degree that they are terrified about. So they are exercising their Democratic right to speak out, loudly, to Lawmakers.
The Left whines, an awful lot, about how millions of people are outside of the political engagement process - have you ever felt like the nation was as mobilized as it is now? The country cares again, we are all on one side of the issue or the other, and for CNN to show faux-anxiety over these protests is the kind of thing that we all have to hope disappears someday, because it is more harmful than actually organizing a protest against something you may believe in wholeheartedly. This type of irresponsible and misleading journalism is one of the links in the chain we need to find a way to break.
Who wants to protest CNN's HQ with me in Atlanta?
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