National comes out of Wisconsin, an awesome, awesome way to save some bucks and really make it happen, by not doing much at all. Awesome.
The local story really is right in my emotional wheelhouse. I don't know what kind of person I am, I have never been really tested, but at the same time, I hope I am this kind of person. I don't expect anyone to do this, and I don't hold it against people who wouldn't, or say they can't, but real forgiveness is pretty much the most amazing trait you can have as an individual, and I really hope everyone ends up better for this. Won't they? I'd love to follow up on this story someday, but I just have a feeling its going to work out.
And finally, this Global story pumps me up. Essentially, Russia and the US are working towards diminishing nuclear weaponry. I'd normally be skeptical, but I like this quote:
Arms control proponents hailed the progress. Daryl G. Kimball, executive director of the Arms Control Association, called it “the first truly post-cold-war nuclear arms reduction treaty.” Richard Burt, a former chief Start negotiator who now heads a disarmament advocacy group called Global Zero, said that the two presidents 'took a major step toward achieving their goal of global zero.
Anyone else really like the sound of "global zero"? I think that's a great phrase.
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