Who You Creepin'?

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

...oil = housing...

Just like the housing market 5 years ago, the veil of confidence in our near 100% reliance on oil is starting to fade, quickly. We actually believed the Housing boom was a natural result of momentum, an economic boom in a time where we felt we were invincible, and it came crashing down on us so hard, throwing the entire global economy into tumult, and leaving us with a giant % of the population still unemployed, still wondering how they'll get out from their overwhelming mortgages.

In short, there was no backup plan for the Housing boom - everyone was reaping the benefits without thinking about the consequences.

Oil is the same exact thing. BP, and hundreds of others of companies, are allowed to stick giant tubes into the earth, drag up all the oil they need to as quickly as they possibly can, and it seems that nobody, no entity, no governing body, and certainly not the world's population, asks the following question:

"But what if it all goes wrong?"

Well, it's all going wrong. Today they are going to try to plug up a gushing oil leak with mud and cement. Mud and cement. They are saying it is 70% likely it'll be successful. It is 30% that it won't be, and they have no idea how to fix it.

There really was no consideration taken if things went badly, and they have, and we are all left to deal with the consequences. We all assumed, didn't we, that there would be a backup plan. If the oil pipes leak, or crack, or if a rig blows up, we have a contingency, right?

No, we don't. I didn't know that, did you?

I can't get this scene out of my head: You walk into a grocery story and you are in the milk aisle, and all of a sudden an 8 year old boy with his mom starts throwing all the eggs, smashing all the cartons of milk, spilling cottage cheese on the cereal boxes and spreading mustard all over the deli meat...and the parent looks around at everyone in the supermarket and says, "boy, we sure do have a problem on our hands, don't we!?"

BP is acting like they have now joined the rest of us as victims, and actually, it appears that way. BP is acting like they are only responsible by default - that they are only responsible b/c they are the only ones responsible enough to fix it. Except they can't fix it, either.

I saw someone from the Coast Guard on TV the other night saying that BP was the only group qualified to come up with a solution, but they can't find one. What happened to us? Are you telling me the smartest of our Army Corp. of Engineers cannot takeover with hostility BP's assets, tools and brainpower and find a way to plug this leak?

It leads me to the final conclusion that there is absolutely no solution to this. Oil will gush in perpetuity, until there is no oil left to gush, which, of course, nobody knows when that wlll be. I asked Alison and Wizzy last night if we will be dead by the time oil reaches the beaches of Montauk, Duxbury, Santa Monica, etc...

But I think I'll live to see it. I am starting to completely believe I am going to live to see the time where our oceans are overtaken by this demonic sludge.

All of this leaves me so hostile towards Cape Codders who still are mad about their view being ruined by Cape Wind. The ultimate irony will be when their precious views are "marred" by the amazing view of natural wind power turbines...combined with the fact that they are forced to dip their toes in jet black ocean sludge.

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