paul is such an awesome celtic. i am so proud to be a fan of his.
he cares so much about winning, its so great. someone else say nice things about pierce. please. he deserves it.
Paul opted out of his contract last night, and now I honestly think the best thing possible is to part ways with #34. I love him as a player, a competitor and as a Captain, but if another team is willing to pay him 90 million for 4 years, there is no logical reason to re-sign him.
I look at his age, his performance, and what the landscape looks like out there, and I think that PP is worth 12-14 million for 3 more years, tops. He is going to get more than that from other teams.
With the Rasheed retirement, and the opportunity to clean up our books after KG's departure next year, it seems irresponsible to give Paul a ton of dough.
I love #34, I don't know what the rules are about retiring a players number, especially one who bolts pretty much only for money (unless he locks up with another max contract guy and goes for a ring), but if he leaves I'll miss him.
Good thing we are in no way related and I am allowed to look at this from a business perspective.
hey nickdude, i gotta admit, i have a real hard time with the fact that i get invested in basketball because of its rulebook and my city / national pride and then have to put up with the business of it. it's like a trap.
Yeah, but that's not exclusive to basketball. Same thing in baseball, football, your friend's band, etc...
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