Who You Creepin'?

Tuesday, March 08, 2011


Before you say a word about gas prices - as you pump your car full of gas - please realize that you are in control of what price that gas costs.

You can blame a president, you can blame perpetual crisis in the middle east. You can blame Qadafi and Hussein and Mubarak and Libya and Pakistan and Afghanistan and Al Queda and Bush and Bush 2 and Mike Huckabee...but the real blame is us.

Me, you, everyone who drives a stupid car that uses stupid gasoline. "But I have to get to work" is a symptom, it isn't the justification.  Listen, you bought into this game of nonsense, and I did too, and we all did. I cannot believe gas is as cheap as it is - and I'm not saying that as compared to Europe or anywhere else, I'm saying as compared to a basic reality.

We know that companies like to make money, and actually owe money to the people who make them companies. We know oil companies sell a product to us, and we also know that if we purchase that product in the same volume whether it is at X price or X+Y price, then they are being irresponsible to their shareholders if they don't add the Y, and possibly throw in a Z while they're at it.

Instead of looking into the camera of your local news while pumping your stupid car full of stupid gas, think for a second about the level of control you have.

Yes, I own a gas guzzling SUV, and i own a not gas guzzling compact car. The reason I have both types of vehicles is so I can be responsible when gas prices skyrocket, and purchase less gasoline, therefore showing the sellers and manufacturers that yes, price does matter to me.

If you hate the price of gas, stop paying for gas.  If you have to pay for gas, pay for less of it. Ask your friends to do the same. If they choose not to, then Gas companies win, you lose, and it was a fair fight.

I'm boarding an airplane now, that is 100% full of other people who have decided to complain about gas while whizzing through the air on a giant gas guzzling machine that puts dolla billz into the pockets of the companies they say they despise.

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