Who You Creepin'?

Wednesday, May 02, 2012

Onramp, Day 2

Workout posted here

Felt easier than Monday - which was surprising b/c all day Monday and Tuesday my arms were dead, and this was primarily an arm workout. I feel good about ramping up, slowly easing into this...very much still unsure about how all of this works.

My eating the last 2 weeks has drastically improved, my weight hasn't, and I have the urge to just start running more mileage, but I don't want to disrupt the crossfit routine, either. I am doing to do low mileage on Thursday as a run, I'll feel up for it.

But man, the interior of my left arm is really hurting in a way that I hope I didn't pull a muscle. I hope it's just sore. Only time will tell.

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