Who You Creepin'?

Friday, July 31, 2009

The Recent History of MLB

1994 - Strike shortened season in which Homeruns were immense at the all star break. Not a good year for ball.

1995 - Good year, expanded the playoffs, you telling me Albert Belle (2nd in MVP voting for the World Series bound Indians) didn't jack himself up on roids? Sure that's speculation, but we know he corked his bat. That's a fact, ask Jason Grimsley

1996 - Yankees beat the Braves. We know Leyritz and Pettite (the ace) were on steroids.

1997 - Marlins defeat the Indians in the year of the single greatest example of purchasing a team in order to win, in history. We know Sheffield, arguably the team's best slugger, was roided up.

1998 - Yankees dominate baseball with 114 wins, defeat the Padres in the World Series. However, the record books were shattered by McGwire and Sosa, both were so filled up on Steroids and Sosa, at least, was a bat corker. If the phrase, "slippery slope" can be show in real life, this is the year where the whole league competely slipped, and the slope basically is at 90 degrees.

1999 - Yanks win again, Clemens and Pettite are on the roster for the #1 team. McGwire continues his cheating ways by hitting 65 and continuing to rewrite the record books.

2000 - Yanks win, same cheaters on their roster. Sosa leads the majors in HR's, while juiced.

2001 - Barry Bonds hits 73, completely and utterly juiced out of his brain.

2002 - ARod sets the stage this time in Texas, belting 57 to Sosa's 50. Both utterly tanked out on Steroids. Bonds, however, makes the World Series and is walked roughly 875 times this season because nobody can pitch to him because he's a fake baseball player.

2003 - ARod continues to lead the majors in homeruns, shall I add an asterisk? Lowell hit 32 HR's to lead the Marlins to a victory in the World Series. No proof here, but 32 HR's feels like a lot to me.

2004 - The Red Sox era begins with Manny and Ortiz, arguably one of the best hitting duos in the last 50 years, both on steroids. The single greatest playoff comeback, orchestrated primarily by Papi, is a sham and a fraud. Manny also leads the AL in Homers, and Adrian Beltre manages to have, by far, his greatest season ever hitting 47 homers. I am sure he just hit weight room.

2005 - Arod leads the AL in homers yet again, surprise (x2). I look at this White Sox roster and I start to think, this may have actually been legit. Baseball 1, Nick 47.

By 2006, things started to normalize a bit with testing, policies, checking etc...the great hopes that are left for baseball since 1994 are as follows:

Ken Griffey
Frank Thomas
Cal Ripken
Al Pujols
Greg Maddux
Pedro Martinez
Ryan Howard
Prince Fielder
Chipper Jones

In my opinion, those are the only people baseball has left to hang their hats on. The entire era, 1993 to 2006 or so, should be completely stricken from all record books. Sorry guys.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

NYTimes Business Day; Ruth Madoff, USPS, Energy

I changed things up a bit, and I'm actually more compelled to write about the articles in the Business Day section of the NYTimes, which today for some reason really jumped out at me, big time.

I also decided I need to start making these active links so you can be a part of the process as much as I am. Then again, I am unemployed and I am thinking "The Process" is replacing what used to be my worklife...

Trustee Sues Ruth Madoff for Nearly $45 Million
I'm really torn with this story. A few months back, I ranted about those who were screwed over by Madoff, to a certain extent, need to just grin and bear it. The money was fake, so expecting it to be paid back in part or in full is sorta just passing the problem on to someone else, but certainly not on to Madoff.

Ruth Madoff is disgusting. But more than that, the Gov't allowed her to keep 2.5 million dollars. 2.5 Million. Can anyone...Will someone...What the....Who the...Why?! Madoff said earlier this week from Prison he cannot remember the last time he made a viable transaction on the market...is there any reason to think 2.5 million of her money is somehow legit?

But the article really is about the lawsuit against Ruth for $45 million. The case can easily be made that she hid millions of dollars somewhere during the apprehension/conviction of Madoff...she has more than 2.5 in her possession. But the fact remains that if this trustee gets 45 million, where will that $$ come from? They are doing their best to find her $$'s, but the fact that, on the up-and-up, she was given 2.5 Million kills me. It kills me.

Increasing Postal Deficits Intensify Talks on Solution
For years, I have marveled at the fact that I could stick a piece of paper in a box, and 1, 2 or 3 days later it ends up somewhere else in this country. There is a magic to the Postal Service, and now I am realizing this magic comes at an extreme, over-the-top price.

Before I get into the specifics, there are a lot of things out there we are capable of doing, scientifically. We have the ability to move at the speed of sound, and we have the technological ability to do it safely. However, there are costs associated with that, and that is factored in when talking about using the sound barrier as an accepted speed in Commercial travel.

The Postal Service, for one reason or another, doesn't seem to have to measure themselves against actual standards of cost...Brace yourself for this, but the USPS is going to operate at a loss of somewhere around $7 billion dollars. $7 billion. This quarter, the loss will be over $2 billion.

I have a new enemy that I'll forget about in 2 days, and her name is Representative Jo Ann Emerson. One of the many possible ways to cut the deficit in the USPS budget is to slash 1 day from the mail carrier's duties, I think they said Tuesday, which is a low profit day for some reason. So they cut out Tuesday, and the $9B deficit goes down to about $7B, which is obviously still insane.

Rep. Emerson, however, disagrees. To be partisan for a minute, I'm hearing this type of argument from the GOP on many issues, mostly Health Care and basically anything else the Dems. suggest or introduce. In regards to cutting back a day, "I realize the Post-Master General thinks that this will save money, but there are other ways that can cost-cut," Emerson explains. So, at this point, I'm eager to hear what exactly her solution is, what are the other ways? And what could they possibly be that would justify them being in-place of, rather than, in addition to, the cutting back of 1 delivery day.

She continues, "My constituents feel very strongly about having their postal service continue as it always has." Blink, choke, gasp, vommit, cry. You know what else the fine people of Missouri want? They want jobs back. They want their houses to be worth what they were once worth. They want to be rid of reverse mortgages, rid of soldiers dying for no reason and to be able to understand, even a tiny bit, why their Health Care costs too much.

They want it to continue as it always has? They want it to continue at a $7B deficit? Maybe they don't, really. Maybe, when explained to them, they may say, "Sure, I like 6 days a week of mail so I can bet my coupons to Bed, Bath & Beyond and my Pottery Barn Kids magazines...but if it's going the taxpayer that much to run it, well, I can skip a day or two."

Is it possible, Rep. Emerson, that you provide a real solution other than, "because I wannannnannannaaaaaa" in regards to this? I don't think so. Your whole party is playing this game lately, and it's tiresome.

Efficiency Drive Could Cut Energy Use by 23% by 2020, Study Finds

With all this talk about Health Care, the War, the USPS, it is downright refreshing to hear someone propose something that, if done correctly, can legitimately save $$, pretty much with no argument. Not only that, it can provide a long term solution to our Nation's Largest Financial and Security problem...energy.

Essentially, an independent firm said that common Household and Business fixes, that would cost $520B now to fix, would save us $1.2T by 2020. Doesn't that seem like a good deal? In the world of huge financial bailouts to save banks that we have wrapped ourselves up in so heavily and dangerously, hasn't the precedent been set that, if we need to, we can find the dough?

This is important crap, just do it.

The article goes on to describe the barriers that exist, and I'm aware of them, but Lawmakers seem to think nowadays that we are all so God Damned inert, and it kills me. I watch Mad Men, do you know how much red meat, alcohol and cigarettes we used to consume on a daily basis? We change, we evolve...if the figures have to be shifted where compliance starts now, and then we have full compliance in 2020, then aren't we better off in 2030 than if we don't do anything at all now?

As I write this, there are no less than 8 lights on in my house. What a joke I am.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Tennessee, Health Care Cont'd, Text'N'Drive, Obesity

In Tennessee Corner, Stimulus Meets New Deal
This is honestly a feel good story about a small town in Tenn. that has developed its own type of no-argument-here social welfare, in which those who were laid off after a plant closing were able to get state jobs to help beautify and keep the county running.

There is a good anecdote from the mayor that talks about how the county can offer one thing to businesses, and that's a group of core hard workers. I think that one thing the Palin's of this country have robbed us of is the appreciation for the Small Town USA.

Palin has made it such an "Us vs. Them" type of thing with city v. small town, rural v. urban, etc..that sometimes I think we may undervalue the real hard work that goes on in these towns, and when plants in rural Tenn. up and move to Mexico, the hundreds of people may actually be kickass workers...Find this article, it gives you some hope in all this terror.

Health Policy is Carved Out at a Table For Six
It struck me just now reading this article how refreshing it is to see a group, albeit a small one, actually trying to figure out some type of real legislation, and that this is actually an honest-to-goodness give and take. It's an exchange of ideas, although I am not sure how much more the Dems have to give.

Given I talk about Health Care every day, I just also want to note that the fact that both sides of the aisle agree that denying people coverage based on Pre-Existing conditions, not only is that humane, well, it's sorta great that both sides have agreed on it. And, as much as i think Mike Moore's documentaries are jokes nowadays, the fact that this was such an issue with him in Sicko, and it seems like it'll actually get solved in the Bill, well, that says something for the power of the Filmmaker...right? On that note, I also think that Erroll Morris' fingerprints are all over the treatment of War photos by Obama and the Global Community - check out Standard Operating Procedure when you get a chance.

In Study, Texting Lifts Crash Risk By Large Margin
Simply put, truckers are 32 times more likely to crash if they are texting, and college aged drivers are 8 times more likely.

Holy crap, I admit I have texted while driving. I've sent emails while driving, I've called while driving...I've done a lot of phone related activities while driving, and this kind of article scares the crap out of me. I can't believe I do this at all, what is my problem?

Think about those numbers...8 and 32 times more likely. And all of you out there, don't
think for a second that you, at 30+ years old, are anywhere near the multitasking ability of a 22-year old college kid who has been texting for 6 years now...they are magicians with those phones, we look like cavemen on those phonts.

You heard it here now, I'm done texting/reading emails while driving. Maps, however, I'm going to continue to look at maps...

Obesity (Not On Cover)
Those who are obese spend 42% more on health care than those who aren't. Not much to say here, other than that is a lot of money. Should we have health care cost you per lb? Interesting thought...slippery slope.

Monday, July 27, 2009

Players in Health Care, China=Scary, Bernanke

Subsides' Reach is Critical Issue For Health Plan; Burden of Premiums
There seem to be 4 groups of people on the Health Care issue.
1. Obama and his team...and by team, I mean George Stephonopolous and his Twitter account. Also, Speaker Pelosi, etc...
2. Blue Dogs, the Conservative Dems who have somehow found a name for themselves in this whole mess.
3. Republicans, all of them, except...
4. Olympia Snowe (R), Maine, who is actually doing her best to get a bipartisan bill passed.

Problem is, I think only the Captain of team 1 (obama) and the Captain of team 4 (snowe) are the ones willing to play ball. Does Pelosi know how reckless it is in this country to say shit like, "When I take this bill to the floor, it will win"?? Reminds me of this...listen closely to #8 QB Matt (Pelosi) Hasselbeck...and notice the result, where Al (Blue Dogs and Republicans) Harris take it back the other way for 6...

The Blue Dogs are also pissing me off, but that's for another day. But we are complaining that families may have to pay 10% of their income to subsidize Health Care...but you know what? To me, that doesn't seem so bad. I have been in and out of eye doctors for the last 15 years...my dad has had cancer...my sister has had illnesses and my mom and grandmom, etc... You add up all that treatment and what do you get? A lot more than 10% of our incomes, I'd believe...Pay the 10%, isn't it worth it to be insured? Am I crazy for thinking that?

Files Vanished, Young Chinese Lose the Future
Jeezus Crap. Basically, if you live in China, you have a file that has everything in it. Your records, tests, evaluations, etc...it proves you are able to do a job, move to a certain grade, graduate, etc...Well, a certain # of files were lost, and now these kids have nothing to show for anything, they have to start over. The article is more compelling, but it leads me to China in general.

I am really starting to think the Opening Ceremonies in Beijing were more creepy than anything else, based on how they run people's lives over there. We complain about 10% of our $$ going to Health Care, what about them? They have 100% of their lives given to the state, and the article implies people who had bad records or files were able to buy the good ones off these kids, and make them their own. That's some Orwellian crap, it's almost too horrifying to be true.

It's so amazing to read how the Gov't over the past few weeks with this, the Rio Tinto mining scandal, and the Han/Uighur clashes is completely confident in it's backtracking, lying, fabricating, and justification of really disgusting ends...But man, they sure can host the hell out of a Decathlon!!!!

Forget Aloof, Bernanke Goes Barnstorming
Ben Bernanke, the Fed Chairman, is going to be taken to task by Ron Paul. Ron Paul was the single most entertaining and interesting person in the 2008 election, more than Obama, Palin or Clinton. I wouldn't vote for him, but he actually gets stuff done and seems to be willing to stick his neck to protect people. He is going to get his fellow lawmakers to put together a Bill that basically oversees and checks everything the Fed does, and Ron Paul seems like the kind of guy who will go through each page of each file.

This is crazy how turned on it's head it has all become...If Bernanke and this group of Fed experts are Bush appointees, Conservative fiscally and otherwise, what kind of Beastly Monster will the Dems appoint in his place? I think Ron Paul's oversight legislation needs to be passed immediately, just to protect us from what may come in the future Head of the Fed seat...

Friday, July 24, 2009

Health Blanks, Unemployment, Gatesgate, Poppy

For Public, Obama Didn't Fill In Health Blanks
One of the most compelling paragraphs in the paper today was this, in regards to those who remain anxious about Obama's health plan: "They say they feel they are being asked to buy on spec from a government they do not trust. And they have lots of questions."

Wow, that sure sums it up. There comes a time when we need to throw away our Governmental distrust - we allow them to make so many decisions for us that effect us on a daily basis, but whenever things get too hot, we beg and plead to be allowed to leave the kitchen...then fight our way back in over and over again. We can't have it both ways.

It really is fascinating how cryptic Obama is being on costs, and who will pay, and how it will get paid - it is to the point where I don't think he really knows, but he is so certain that this will benefit the nation overall. I think I agree with him.

One thing I have a tough time stomaching is hearing about a 36-year old father of 4 wondering how things will get paid for...does that dude realize how much his neighbors, his fellow statesmen, and countryperson's have paid for his families livelihood? 4 kids is fine, but at some point I think you really remove yourself from conversations about selfishness and "who will pay for it" given the tax breaks you receive with 4 little ones...

As Ranks of Unemployed Swell, Wait for Benefits Worsens Pain
I attempted to file an unemployment claim online a few weeks ago, and for some reason screwed up my password 3 times, and was blocked out of the system which meant I needed to call. I called no less than 8 times over the past 3 weeks, with a 23 minute wait being my longest wait on the phone. This article isn't specifically about phone waiting times, rather some states paying checks with long delays to claimants, which thankfully MA isn't struggling with.

But I guess I find the system amazing, extremely helpful to not only those who get the $$, but also the states. I mean, if I wasn't getting this check, in theory, I wouldn't be paying Shaw's for my groceries or the NYTimes for my subscription. My point is that I may have complained about waiting on hold for what may have been about 33 minutes, but at the same time, what an amazing convenience I have in getting that check to keep me going.

Case Recalls Tightrope Blacks Walk with Police
Implosion is about to set in. I am not going to dwell on this, but Obama got his wish, despite his faux-surprise as to the reaction of the local, and now national, media. The conversation about racial profiling is taking center stage, and it is a viable conversation to have, but its just a real huge shame it is being placed on the back of Sgt. Crowley and the Cambridge Police Department.

For crying out loud, of course there is horrific racial profiling in this country, and many, many people who don't deserve it are wrongfully accused of things, but this is all just misguided, and misunderstood. So frustrating.

It should be noted that it doesn't matter what role this professor had at which university, and if he did or did not walk with a cane, those are all irrelevant facts about a person who was handcuffed, not for being in his own house, but rather for being a complete ass-face. That's it, I'm done with this unless there is a big revelation.

(not on the cover) U.S. Will Shift Afghan Narcotics Strategy
This is fascinating. The US is proposing to pay Afghan poppy farmers $$'s to grow...wait for it...nothing! Ta-Da! War on Drugs? Um, I wonder who won that one. The late 80's version (original) Traffik which aired on the BBC, then in the US on PBS, predicts all of this so dramatically. One US official goes on to describe how we tried to eradicate the Poppy trade a few years ago, but all we did was bankrupt and ruin the lives of the farmers, who really have no political designation, but were essentially forced into servitude of the Taliban by virtue of having literally nothing else.

We lost that War on Drugs so tremendously, and given how much the Taliban relies on this trade for funding, our loss has resulted in nearly every problem we can put on finger on in regards to Foreign Relations.

Rent Traffik, not the stupid 2000 version, but the BBC one...

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Obama on TV, Clinton on Iran, China, Albany

President Seeks Public's Support On Health Care; TV Address Makes Case
One thing Obama is so good at, so good, is making a compelling case for the things he believes in. We have been so conditioned to believe leaders, politically specifically, are blowing smoke. I do not believe Obama is blowing smoke on Health Care. He wants this done, and I want it done, and a lot of Americans do. Wow, what a legacy he would have if he introduced a rational Health Care System.

Question is, can a rational Health Care system be developed this quickly? "Blue Doggers" don't think so, the GOP doesn't think so...I don't know what I think, but he was compelling last night. I fully believe he believes it can be effective. Health Care is such a scary beast, and he seems unafraid, I like that kind of valor.

There is something so interesting about literally saying that those who make over $1M will be directly taxed to support this - can you imagine this type of precedent? Taking specific initiatives or programs and deciding, pre-determining, who exactly will pay for it...and specifically leaving out the Middle Class? I find that really odd, probably unfair, but at this point, if it takes a higher tax on the richest to get good and fair health coverage for my kids and grandkids (and yours), then so be it.

Fascinating thing is also to look at twitter and see how people interpreted Obama's "My health care coverage is pretty good..." remark. Totally misunderstood by the vast majority of the public.

Clinton Speaks of Shielding Mideast From a Nuclear Iran
Clinton is tough as nails, isn't she? I feel like she has been on a big time leash, spitting and growling and barking to go after Iran full-on, and has been held back. But, to continue this dog analogy, she broke free from the chain and has quickly realized how friggen many big dogs are barking back. Egypt and Saudi Arabia want to increase nukes as well, mostly because they can't be left so defenseless...and I think Clinton sees this huge snowball rolling down the hill, gathering steam.

Too many stupid analogies, sorry. But I know how this will go, we all do. US will give arms to Egypt, Saudi Arabia, etc, and in 14 years, when Michelle Obama is President, she will be using American Soldiers and American lives and resources finding a way to destroy Egypt in the next version of a War on Terror and we'll be plucking the weapons away, one by one, that we once provided...so annoyingly easy to predict.

This is more in general, but is anyone else uneasy about our pally pallying around with China? They scare the crap out of me...197 killed in the Uighur/Han conflict...very little reporting on the real facts around the killings, very few requests for complete visibility with the Chinese? Hilary's job is so terrifying.

If you really want a laugh, find a way to read up on the last 60 days of the goings-on in the New York State Capital. What a complete joke, NY voters must be terrified by what they have put together. They are the Government equivalent of the Pittsburgh Pirates.

Gates, Crowley, Obama, Drama*...

The most dangerous thing an individual can carry within their psyche is a sense of entitlement. I think entitlement is a driving force behind most of the large, and small, problems that the entire globe faces.

We all battle it, I battle it personally in the sense that I am entitled to not be pissed off by people and their lack of common courtesy. I am the first to admit that I expect a lot of out strangers, and even more out of the people I know well. An example is that I feel entitled, when at a show like "Rent" at the Colonial, to a stress free show that is void of distraction, to an extent. A sneeze isn't a distraction, I don't feel entitled to not hear a sneeze, however, I do feel entitled to have a show void of my neighbor recording the show on their cell phone.

On Tuesday, I happened to have this entitlement shoved back into my face - I was faced with the challenge of figuring out how to react, how to look at the reality (my neighbor was constantly fiddling with her effing cell phone, lights on, etc...) and look at my own sense of entitlement to a annoyance-free show, and I was challenged to figure out a way through the situation. My reaction was, at an appropriate (crowd cheering) moment, I said to her, forcefully, "can you shut that off, you are being ridiculous."

Some people struggle with entitlement in a different way, or, in most cases, they don't struggle with it all. They embrace it. Little things, like when they walk into a public building, for example, they think they are entitled to stand in the doorway, look around them, think about how wonderful their situation may be (if its something like a bakery, or something visually or nasally stimulating...Those people think they are entitled to revel in their own situation, and be damned to anyone behind them or also trying to enter the room. That's their way of dealing with entitlement, and that's where it gets dangerous.

I wrote in an earlier post that I feel like Henry Gates, the Harvard Professor arrested at his own home, may have deserved to be arrested. I also, purposefully and carefully, said that I wouldn't be suprised if, when schooled on all the (real) facts, I'd also be in support of punishment of the police officer.

It was great to see comments on this subject. Wendy, for example, raised a really good point about how did the neighbor not even know who the person in the house was, especially someone of a fairly significant profile? Trav was, as always, as balanced as possible when it came to this, I think agreeing with me that all the facts needed to be disclosed before real judgment could be passed...

Tom was the most vocal, and was angered by the fact that someone could be arrested at their own home, claiming specifically that the police should show restraint, and should be more understanding of the citizen's frustration.

Obviously, everyone is correct, and everyone is wrong. There are a few factors here to consider.

1. I was mostly trying to say this in my post, and I may have missed the mark due to the 140 character limit on twitter: We do not know the facts, we will never know the facts, and it is difficult to really prescribe guilt or blame until they are known.

2. I have become so overwhelmed with cynicism of most people, strangers and otherwise, that I highly doubt that either party acted rationally, intelligently, and more importantly, sympathetically, to the other party.

3. The aftermath of the incident is what is really fascinating, and this is where I feel like the issue of entitlement is honestly the most aggressive emotional factor at play here. The players right now are the following:

I am going to tread lightly, because at this stage I honestly don't care who is right or wrong, but in the aftermath of this incident, it seems like Gates is absolutely venomous towards the police. To an extent, it is understandable. Listen, the cops thought someone was breaking in, and you have to pursue that with force and a level of realism, you can't just take someone's word for it, and you can't just be passive about it. It was unfortunate, but that's why we have cops, honestly. They take the risks, they get in the middle of ugly situations, and if that was in fact a home-invader, the cops would have been aggressive and not taken, "This is my house" as an answer.

Gates threats of developing a documentary, and immediately dictating this a case of racial profiling is honestly irresponsible. Gates, according to the cops, and not even really disputed by himself, was arrested when he followed the police out of the home, continued his angry tirade, and was repeatedly warned. You have to remember, the cops didn't enter the house and slap on the cuffs, they asked questions, they pushed and prodded, and I think it is good they did. They only arrested him when he flat out wouldn't listen.

Speculation: Is it not possible that this guy is an asshole? Is it not possible that he is overwhelmed by his Harvard sense of entitlement that he cannot even fathom being questioned, nevermind bothered, by the police? Gates was in his own home, I understand that can be frustrating, but if the post-even attitude is any indication, I can easily be convinced this dude is simply a pain in the butt.

A cop. A Cambridge cop. He got a call that someone, 2 men actually, were breaking into a home and he responded. He didn't care who the person was, and we will never know what was said in the home, but we have to all agree to continue this conversation that he may have been correct in arresting Gates. According to Crowley, Gates was verbally abusive, said things about his mother, his family, etc...which, of course is stupid, but when a citizen, even if that citizen is rightfully upset, cannot and WILL NOT contain themselves, the cop has the right to slap on the cuffs. Sure he does.

Now, Steve pointed out that Crowley was on Dennis and Callahan, probably the most offensive and weak minded show on Boston radio, and I mean that with all sincerity. Unfortunately, I do believe that the Harvard-Is-God mentality of the Left/Liberal media would make it so Crowley really would only be treated like a friend on a show like D&C...It's a safe place for him, despite the hosts, and I don't blame him for finding a safe haven.

It is fascinating that Crowley has been literally an expert on racial profiling, and teaching a class to fellow officers about it. It doesn't mean anything 100% either way, but it does make you think twice about tossing the racist javelin through his heart, no?

Speculation: But lets be honest here, there are few whose sense of entitlement is felt more sharply and succinctly than those who are actually in power. When you spend 20+ years being able to do essentially whatever you want, whenever you want, you get that sense. When you show up at a house, as a cop, and someone makes fun of your mother, as it seems Gates actually did, you should be able to realize that it's not a matter of life and death, and you don't have to respond. The "just walk away" gene is not something cops seem to have anymore, or maybe ever did. I speculate that he probably abused power, maybe a lot, maybe a little, who knows. I don't. You don't either.

Holy crap. In front of the entire nation, the dude actually says in so many words, "i dont know what I'm talking about here, but those cops are stupid up in cambridge, and there is no way my rich harvard professor friend could have possibly done anything wrong."

First of all, brilliant work, Obama. All I could think of were his cronies saying to him, "You need every minority vote, I'm talking 98%, in all states in 2012. You'll win Massachusetts no matter what, so don't worry about offending them. Think about Texas, if you just say cops are stupid, and they profile racially, you'll really rack in the Black/Hispanic vote. This is perfect - we can have Gibbs (Press Secretary) back of all the comments tomorrow, but this is the sound byte you need."

Obama had no clue what happened, he is completely out of line speaking about it, and the only reason he did was to bring up an issue like racial profiling, when, in reality, the issue of profiling, as Tom and others have said, really doesn't seem to be the major issue here.

Speculation: You saw my speculation above.

To Sum Up:
> To me, and this is my opinion, Gates needs to get over himself, and not forget his keys next time.
> To me, and this is my opinion, I bet I don't want to hang out with Crowley, but I have a sneaking suspicion he did his job to the letter of the law, and that as annoying to Gates.
> I really do like Obama a lot, but I feel obligated to come down on him when he is wrong, because I know that his supporters won't do it. This issue had no place on the national broadcast last night, and the only reason it was there was to bring light to the issue of racial profiling, which, if you are a critical thinker, really seems like a peripheral issue IN THIS CASE.

* "Drama" in the titled added for flair, upon the suggestion by my second cousin.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

F-22's, Kenya, Health Bill, California, Baseball DNA

I am going to make good use of this blog and actually post something of substance. I hold back a lot, mostly because I feel so awkward to be expected to explain myself. But you know what, screw it? I'll explain myself - I think it's more interesting to me than not saying what is on my mind.

So, I am going to essentially go through some of the Times headlines (Print version) and say my thoughts on each issue. I read each issue and headline story, and I just get so frustrated or excited by some of the headlines, and I want to point out why. It will, at the very least, give you a glimpse into what I am thinking.

Obama Is Victor In Defense Vote; Senate Strips Funds For 7 F-22 Jet Fighters
I find this very interesting, especially given the Liberal venom spat at Bush when he did anything that slowed, quelled, or otherwise blocked any kind of spending that would aid our soldiers, but this move is applauded by the Left...well, sorta. Carl Levin (D-Mi) was quoted saying, "The president really needed to win this vote," which is such glorious horse-shit I am almost tempted to step in it on purpose, rather than avoid it altogether, just so I can fully revel in it's ignorance.

We are already, only 7 months into the Presidency, allowing our Senator's and Congressmen to protect the him, voting for legislature that the majority of the Congress actually doesn't even like? The thing that kills me the most about it is the continued use of the word "insurgency" and/or "insurgents". Obama continues to use this term like it actually means something. He says the $$'s will go towards fighting insurgents, instead of going towards these new high-cost F-22's...

"Insurgents" is such a broad and stupid term, which is basically slang for "people who are on the other side." They use this term to marginalize the opposition, to make it sound like those fighting for their homes, their lives, their own personal freedoms, are somehow on the crazy side of things...It just kills me.

Radical Islamists Slipping Easily Into Kenya
I am always at a loss of what to think of a continent like Africa. It is so hard to be respectful, to be honest, of some of the processes and/or practices that go on in these countries. The fight against AIDS, as an example, is such a disheartening thing.

When 25% of the population in a few of the African countries are infected with HIV, and the magical/mythical/ineffective solutions that have been proposed/accepted/implemented, it just makes me want to give up.

So terrorists are slipping into Kenya from Somalia...really, so what? Somalian's don't even drink the water from wells that American forces have built, because they feel we tampered with it and poisoned it...that kind of thinking is its own type of terrorism, and we qualify it and quantify it, but if you are unlucky enough to be born into Kenya or Somalia or nearly any 3rd world country, you are likely already living a life of pure, realistic terror. Oh, and one more idea, America, let's stop arming fringe majority groups in civil wars, it sorta always ends up biting us in the rear behind.

Real Challenge to Health Bill: Selling Reform
Quick opinion: Obama's Health Care bill isn't given the time to actually be discussed and talked about in a reasonable way. Right now, we are wasting time, weeks, money, months, on confirming a Supreme Court Judge that we all know will be confirmed, and is qualified. So, that leaves us trying to squeeze the most important piece of legislation probably since the 1960's, into a short few weeks before our precious House goes on vacation to Wet N' Wild.

This Health Care bill is too massive and to expensive. This is my daily, "Everyone wants something and nobody is willing to give anything for it" award...here it is. We are going to have to spend a boatload of money to fix our Health Care, and nobody wants to fix it. Our own Congressmen and Senators are honestly too dumb to see how expensive Health Care prohibits growth and savings/spendings on a personal level. Obama is toast - this isn't going to pass, its not going to work, and boy, will mud be on his face for this one.

Pinch of Reality Threatens the California Dream
California, I'd like to introduce you to a friend of mine called "You're Screwed." I think you two will get along famously, I'd even say I should be the Best Man at your wedding when you get to that point.

Why aren't we pointing out with more vigor and force that this is exactly what happens when your Governor spends the first 45 years of his life literally lifting weights, injecting tons of illegal and legal drugs, dressing up as a mythical iceman, and prancing around an elementary school trying to get a bunch of kids to drink 4 oz. of milk. You made your own bed, and you soiled it yourself. Unfortunately, none of us are in position to change your sheets.

Baseball DNA
I have such venom for Major League Baseball that I almost don't feel qualified to talk about this, but I do think that the teams should have the right to ask players for DNA samples, and if they want to, they can give it...I almost think they have the right to ask for it, and if the player says no, then they can go in a different direction. I don't like the idea of ALL information being given, such as family history of disease and indicators, etc...but I am sure there is a way for a player to give a hair to a Dr. who can extract Date of Birth or basic age, and hide all the other info.

Wednesday, July 01, 2009

My golf course rankings...

I made a list,
this is where I enjoy playing Golf the most (and least). The only criteria is that I played this course at least once in my life.

I probably missed a few courses, and I intentionally left a few others off the list for my own reasons.

They are ranked on 5 categories:
Layout, Staff, Amenities, Enjoyment, Maintenance. They are all weighted equally.

72. Norwood Country Club, Norwood, MA
71. Mill Valley Golf Links, Belchertown, MA
70. Presidents Golf Club, Quincy, MA
69. Rockland Golf Course, Rockland, MA
68. Leo J. Martin, Weston, MA
67. Ridder Farm Golf Club, W. Bridgewater, MA
66. Lost Brook Golf Course, Norwood, MA
65. Ponkapoag Golf Course, Canton, MA
64. Amherst Country Club, Amherst, MA
63. Cherry Hill Golf Course, Amherst, MA
62. South Shore Country Club, Hingham, MA
61. Newton Commonwealth Golf Course, Newton, MA

60. Jamestown Golf Course, Jamestown, RI
59. Olde Scotland Links, Bridgewater, MA
58. Hickory Ridge Golf Course, Amherst, MA
57. Sassamon Trace Golf Course, Natick, MA
56. Bungay Brook Golf Course,
55. Braintree Municipal Golf Course, Braintree, MA
54. Oak Trail Golf Course, Lake Buena Vista, FL
53. Southers Marsh Golf Club, Carver, MA
52. Widow's Walk Golf Course, Scituate, MA
51. Blissful Meadows Golf Club, Uxbridge, MA

50. Green Harbor Golf Club, Marshfield, MA
49. Saxon Woods Golf Course, Scarsdale, NY
48. Triggs Memorial Golf Course, Providence, RI
47. Overlook Golf Club, Hollis, NH
46. Wachusett Country Club, W. Boylston, MA
45. Pembroke Country Club, Pembroke, MA
44. Needham Country Club, Needham, MA
43. Far Corner Golf Course, Boxford, MA
42. Sandy Burr Country Club, Wayland, MA
41. Squirrel Run Country Club, Plymouth, MA

40. Brookmeadow Golf & Country Club, Canton, MA
39. Saratoga Lake Golf Club, Saratoga Springs, NY
38. The Orchards Golf Club, S. Hadley, MA
37. Taconic Golf Club, Williamstown, MA
36. Crumpin' Fox Golf Club, Bernardston, MA
35. CrossWinds Golf Club, Plymouth, MA
34. Saratoga Spa Golf, Saratoga, NY
33. Essex Country Club, Manchester, MA
32. Brookside Golf Club, Bourne, MA
31. Foxboro Country Club, Foxboro, MA

30. Waverly Oaks - Challenger Course, Plymouth, MA
29. Granite Links Golf Club, Quincy, MA
28. Long Island National Golf Course, Riverhead, NY
27. Raven Golf Club at South Mountain, Phoenix, AZ
26. Magnolia Golf Course, Lake Buena Vista, FL
25. Atlantic Golf Club, Plymouth, MA
24. Shaker Hills Golf Club, Harvard, MA
23. Kapalua - Plantation Course, Kapalua, HI
22. Mesa Country Club, Mesa, AZ
21. Renaissance Vinoy Club, St. Petersburg, FL

20. Osprey Ridge Golf Course, Lake Buena Vista, FL
19. Hammock Creek Golf Club, Palm City, FL
18. Gold Canyon - Dinosaur Course, Apache Junction, AZ
17. The Florida Club, Stuart, FL
16. Cowboys Golf Club, Grapevine, TX
15. Red Tail Golf Club, Devens, MA
14. Blackstone National Golf Club, Sutton, MA
13. Waverly Oaks Golf Club, Plymouth, MA
12. Scarsdale Golf Club, Hartsdale, NY
11. Montauk Downs State Park, Montauk, NY

10. Tribute Golf Club, The Colony, TX
9. Pinehills - Nicklaus Course, Plymouth, MA
8. The Fox Club, Palm City, FL
7. Tesoro Golf Club, Port St. Lucie, FL
6. Harbour Ridge - Golden Marsh, Palm City, FL
5. Harbour Ridge - River Ridge, Palm City, FL
4. Pinehills - Jones Course, Plymouth, MA
3. Wailea Emerald, Wailea, HI
2. Wailea Gold, Wailea, HI
1. Lake of Isles - North Course, N. Stonington, CT