Who You Creepin'?

Monday, November 06, 2006


Sorry all - for everyone still reading.

This last week was admittedly a light training week, but I want to be more on top of this this upcoming week.

On Thursday, 11/2 I went to the gym for a run, 1/2 hour on the treadmill. I don't remember the distance but it was on par with the rest. I need new earphones, someone suggest something good for running with an iPod - i can't stand those buds slipping out of my ears every 2 seconds.

On Sunday, 11/5 Alison and I went on our scheduled 5 mile run, whcih was excellent. I felt GREAT from start to finish, ran it in around 46 minutes (not including a 2 minute stretch session at 2.5 miles. It was a great run, feel very strong.

I am amazed that we aren't even 1/2 way into training, I feel like I could, if forced, pull off a 1/2 marathon at this point, but I have a LOT of running ahead of me, with no injury or real pain. My hip still gets sore at mile 5 or so, but its okay, its not bad and I think its still growing pains.

This week I want to run 40 minutes both Tuesday and Thursday, then the big 10 miler on Sunday. WISH ME LUCK!

1 comment:

Stephen said...

Good luck on Sunday. Just think about how mad BradyKid is about last night's game and channel your energy from there.