I am going to make good use of this blog and actually post something of substance. I hold back a lot, mostly because I feel so awkward to be expected to explain myself. But you know what, screw it? I'll explain myself - I think it's more interesting to me than not saying what is on my mind.
So, I am going to essentially go through some of the Times headlines (Print version) and say my thoughts on each issue. I read each issue and headline story, and I just get so frustrated or excited by some of the headlines, and I want to point out why. It will, at the very least, give you a glimpse into what I am thinking.
Obama Is Victor In Defense Vote; Senate Strips Funds For 7 F-22 Jet Fighters
I find this very interesting, especially given the Liberal venom spat at Bush when he did anything that slowed, quelled, or otherwise blocked any kind of spending that would aid our soldiers, but this move is applauded by the Left...well, sorta. Carl Levin (D-Mi) was quoted saying, "The president really needed to win this vote," which is such glorious horse-shit I am almost tempted to step in it on purpose, rather than avoid it altogether, just so I can fully revel in it's ignorance.
We are already, only 7 months into the Presidency, allowing our Senator's and Congressmen to protect the him, voting for legislature that the majority of the Congress actually doesn't even like? The thing that kills me the most about it is the continued use of the word "insurgency" and/or "insurgents". Obama continues to use this term like it actually means something. He says the $$'s will go towards fighting insurgents, instead of going towards these new high-cost F-22's...
"Insurgents" is such a broad and stupid term, which is basically slang for "people who are on the other side." They use this term to marginalize the opposition, to make it sound like those fighting for their homes, their lives, their own personal freedoms, are somehow on the crazy side of things...It just kills me.
Radical Islamists Slipping Easily Into Kenya
I am always at a loss of what to think of a continent like Africa. It is so hard to be respectful, to be honest, of some of the processes and/or practices that go on in these countries. The fight against AIDS, as an example, is such a disheartening thing.
When 25% of the population in a few of the African countries are infected with HIV, and the magical/mythical/ineffective solutions that have been proposed/accepted/implemented, it just makes me want to give up.
So terrorists are slipping into Kenya from Somalia...really, so what? Somalian's don't even drink the water from wells that American forces have built, because they feel we tampered with it and poisoned it...that kind of thinking is its own type of terrorism, and we qualify it and quantify it, but if you are unlucky enough to be born into Kenya or Somalia or nearly any 3rd world country, you are likely already living a life of pure, realistic terror. Oh, and one more idea, America, let's stop arming fringe majority groups in civil wars, it sorta always ends up biting us in the rear behind.
Real Challenge to Health Bill: Selling Reform
Quick opinion: Obama's Health Care bill isn't given the time to actually be discussed and talked about in a reasonable way. Right now, we are wasting time, weeks, money, months, on confirming a Supreme Court Judge that we all know will be confirmed, and is qualified. So, that leaves us trying to squeeze the most important piece of legislation probably since the 1960's, into a short few weeks before our precious House goes on vacation to Wet N' Wild.
This Health Care bill is too massive and to expensive. This is my daily, "Everyone wants something and nobody is willing to give anything for it" award...here it is. We are going to have to spend a boatload of money to fix our Health Care, and nobody wants to fix it. Our own Congressmen and Senators are honestly too dumb to see how expensive Health Care prohibits growth and savings/spendings on a personal level. Obama is toast - this isn't going to pass, its not going to work, and boy, will mud be on his face for this one.
Pinch of Reality Threatens the California Dream
California, I'd like to introduce you to a friend of mine called "You're Screwed." I think you two will get along famously, I'd even say I should be the Best Man at your wedding when you get to that point.
Why aren't we pointing out with more vigor and force that this is exactly what happens when your Governor spends the first 45 years of his life literally lifting weights, injecting tons of illegal and legal drugs, dressing up as a mythical iceman, and prancing around an elementary school trying to get a bunch of kids to drink 4 oz. of milk. You made your own bed, and you soiled it yourself. Unfortunately, none of us are in position to change your sheets.
Baseball DNA
I have such venom for Major League Baseball that I almost don't feel qualified to talk about this, but I do think that the teams should have the right to ask players for DNA samples, and if they want to, they can give it...I almost think they have the right to ask for it, and if the player says no, then they can go in a different direction. I don't like the idea of ALL information being given, such as family history of disease and indicators, etc...but I am sure there is a way for a player to give a hair to a Dr. who can extract Date of Birth or basic age, and hide all the other info.
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