Who You Creepin'?

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Tennessee, Health Care Cont'd, Text'N'Drive, Obesity

In Tennessee Corner, Stimulus Meets New Deal
This is honestly a feel good story about a small town in Tenn. that has developed its own type of no-argument-here social welfare, in which those who were laid off after a plant closing were able to get state jobs to help beautify and keep the county running.

There is a good anecdote from the mayor that talks about how the county can offer one thing to businesses, and that's a group of core hard workers. I think that one thing the Palin's of this country have robbed us of is the appreciation for the Small Town USA.

Palin has made it such an "Us vs. Them" type of thing with city v. small town, rural v. urban, etc..that sometimes I think we may undervalue the real hard work that goes on in these towns, and when plants in rural Tenn. up and move to Mexico, the hundreds of people may actually be kickass workers...Find this article, it gives you some hope in all this terror.

Health Policy is Carved Out at a Table For Six
It struck me just now reading this article how refreshing it is to see a group, albeit a small one, actually trying to figure out some type of real legislation, and that this is actually an honest-to-goodness give and take. It's an exchange of ideas, although I am not sure how much more the Dems have to give.

Given I talk about Health Care every day, I just also want to note that the fact that both sides of the aisle agree that denying people coverage based on Pre-Existing conditions, not only is that humane, well, it's sorta great that both sides have agreed on it. And, as much as i think Mike Moore's documentaries are jokes nowadays, the fact that this was such an issue with him in Sicko, and it seems like it'll actually get solved in the Bill, well, that says something for the power of the Filmmaker...right? On that note, I also think that Erroll Morris' fingerprints are all over the treatment of War photos by Obama and the Global Community - check out Standard Operating Procedure when you get a chance.

In Study, Texting Lifts Crash Risk By Large Margin
Simply put, truckers are 32 times more likely to crash if they are texting, and college aged drivers are 8 times more likely.

Holy crap, I admit I have texted while driving. I've sent emails while driving, I've called while driving...I've done a lot of phone related activities while driving, and this kind of article scares the crap out of me. I can't believe I do this at all, what is my problem?

Think about those numbers...8 and 32 times more likely. And all of you out there, don't
think for a second that you, at 30+ years old, are anywhere near the multitasking ability of a 22-year old college kid who has been texting for 6 years now...they are magicians with those phones, we look like cavemen on those phonts.

You heard it here now, I'm done texting/reading emails while driving. Maps, however, I'm going to continue to look at maps...

Obesity (Not On Cover)
Those who are obese spend 42% more on health care than those who aren't. Not much to say here, other than that is a lot of money. Should we have health care cost you per lb? Interesting thought...slippery slope.

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