Who You Creepin'?

Monday, March 30, 2009

Digital Nick.

This is insane, but its my life.
I am enjoying it a bit, but I do feel like it's going to overwhelm me.

Facebook - Nick Fisher
> I'm attempting to use this primarily as a social networking tool, which means basically stay in touch from 30,000 feet up with people I know well and hardly know at all. Its fun to be on there, b/c everyone else is...its a place where those who want to know about me can, but if they want to ignore me, thats fine too.

Twitter - twitter.com/nickfisher47
> I'm using this as a place to keep people updated on the "things" I do...vacations, travel, notices, info, etc...I'll post things on here that really are about me being able to look back in 10 years and say, "neat"...its also a great tool to do frequent updates, especially now that I have twitpic.

LinkedIn - Nick Fisher
> Started using this today, really. After starting using it, I realize that I do think it is going to be THE tool that gets me a job at some point. I am starting to build up the profile and get in as many networks as possible.

Blog - toast47.blogspot.com
> I don't know what the point of this will be other than to vent and tell stories. I don't think i'll open up my twitter or my blog to those in my job search, unless I feel completely compelled to do so at some point. This really is just for those who want to know me better, but I can't imagine that 1/8th of my facebook friends would read it.

What is my motivation for being on all this? Well, its simple, to me, I think. 3 reasons:
1. I am in the job search mode, and I do feel like these are good tools to get things moving a bit. My friends will keep me top of mind with things like twitter and the blog, and those who I worked with in the past will see my updates on LinkedIn, etc.

2. I actually find all of this fun to be honest. It feels like I am part of some kind of larger digital movement that my Grandparents will ask me about someday, and that's interesting, and it sorta ties into #3.

3. When I do have a family, and kids, and they are using whatever technology is current, I do not want to be the older adult that doesn't "get it" or scoffs at the idea of where technology is moving. The adults I am friends with don't realize that all of these tools are part of the normal teenager's life - they are part of what they are...My generation had beepers, Nintendo, then cell phones, then the internet and those 20-30 years older than us couldn't/didn't keep up.

I want to keep up. I want to be able to speak the language when I'm 50.

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