Who You Creepin'?

Monday, March 22, 2010

...But did we? Really???


I'm not going to say I know the in's and out's of this health care legislation - I am not an expert and I really don't want to be. I want to golf more, hang out with my wife and family and friends more, and watch movies and fun sports. Thats honestly what I want out of life, things beyond that are filler, trivial filler. And I'm lucky for that, exceedingly lucky.

The Health Care legislation that passed is not a Gov't run Health Care plan. It's a semi-mandatory "you must have insurance" plan that penalizes people who don't have it, but at the same time, rewards people who do by closing loopholes and minimizing the number of restrictions. Seems like a fair trade off. Doesn't it?

The real advances in Health Care, like every real advancement that will come in this country (and this world) will be made when we recognize that Campaign Contributions and special interest groups should have no place in Gov't.

The majority of Americans embrace the notion of Freedom of Religion - they really do. The far right, and the far left, would have you believe otherwise. The far right tells us that we are failing and dying as a country b/c we have lost hold of our Christian values. The far left tells us that our Christian values are exactly what are killing us, and we have to ensure that nobody, anywhere, speaks a word about faith.

Both are stupid notions. Benjamin Franklin was in the top 5 most crucial people who started this country, and he wasn't religious. John Adams was in the top 5 most crucial and he was personally religious. Your religious leaning has nothing to do with anything, and I think both the left and the right know that.

The new religion - and the new monster that must have legislation protect us from it - are Campaign Contributions. 150 years from now, the US is going to look back at this time - a time where we have a legislation that comes to an absolute standstill for such a long time during a crucial period of crisis - and they are going to say, "what was wrong with those people?"

The answer is so clearly that those making the decisions have their strings pulled by various groups with seemingly neverending pocketbooks...those groups don't want a bill passed, or do want a bill passed...they don't want a candidate in office or do want a candidate in office, and everything becomes stagnant.

Its so unnatural - the last 6-8 months have been such stagnation due to Lobbyists and big, giant money interests that we, as a country, actually are in a place where dynamic, monumental, holy-shit type of legislation is passed, and the common reaction is "we are all gonna die."

On the House floor, Democrats were heard chanting, "YES WE DID, YES WE DID..." An unknown Republican (how do they know he was Republican) yelled, "BABY KILLER" at John Boehner ... are these really acts of civilized people doing important work?

I'll end with this:
Our Congress speaks about their constituencies, and they say it with such a smirk, b/c they know their constituencies are NOT the people who live in their districts or states - and they are NOT the people who voted them in with ballots...their constituents are the companies and group who lined their campaign war chests, and continue to do the same. They do not answer to us, that is why they chant things on the house floor, that is why they yell baby killer - these are not actions of proud Americans - most Americans are understated people, who do not want to yell in someone's face...

Congress doesn't want to reflect the Americans in their states, towns and districts, they want to reflect their donors. They want to reflect American corporations, they want to reflect victory and Power, and this Health Care bill, while most likely something that people who need it most will benefit from, is purely a reflection of a period of unparalleled greed, corruption and egomania that was reserved for shit in our History books...

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