Who You Creepin'?

Monday, March 22, 2010


Maybe I'm being too picky, but I cannot understand why people like Michelle Wie, Michael Jordan and Dwight Howard endorse McDonalds. Yes, money. I know.

But it isn't like they are taking ANY endorsement deals they can find. I understand being aligned with a brand like McDonalds is good from an exposure standpoint, they are huge, a mega-global corporation, a beast.

But the thing that really kills me is the thought of Wie, for example, and her agent in a meeting in McDonald's HQ, in some fancy corporate office, watching the VP of Global Marketing or whatever give his or her speech on where McDonalds is heading in 5, 10, 15 years...

How they are on the "eco" trend - everything organic and recycled, etc. What they really mean by that is that their cups will be made out of recycled rice patties or whatever, and they'll offer an organic coffee with beans grown in Portland, OR...but they will still offer, and dominate the market in, some of the worlds most unhealthy and damaging foods.

I don't fault anyone for eating it, I love the friggen taste of a greasy McDonalds cheeseburger (are you with me? I mean seriously, is it not the greatest non-dessert taste of all time?)...I don't even blame anyone really for being a part of their endorsement program. But Wie & Dwight Howard are physical specimen who obviously pay attention to what they eat, probably work out literally thousands to millions of times more (from a % standpoint) than the average McDonalds-goer.

My point is this: If Wie and Howard are representing McDonalds in order to make millions, get more exposure, and increase their bank accounts for future generations of Wie's and Howard's, then I'm all for it.

If they were somehow woo'd by the VP Of Marketing telling them they will be the healthiest fast food company by 2030 - then I'm a bit embarrassed.

On a side note, wouldn't it be cool if Wie & Howard got married. Michelle Wie-Howard.
Those would be tall children.

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