Who You Creepin'?

Tuesday, April 28, 2009


I believe everything I see on TV. I caught a quick glimpse of a guy on TV today that said that if you took a 100 mile square patch of the Mojave desert and put Solar Panels there, it'd be enough energy for the whole country. I am assuming that the cost associated with that is what is prohibiting us from going that route - I also assume the cost associated with doing that is miniscule compared to the financial holes we continue to dig for ourselves by burning coal at every turn.

Beyond that, I cannot see the aesthetic argument against wind turbines. I actually find them fascinating to look at, and think they are amazing. Now, I have heard of some that shake the ground so much that people demand they be taken down, and I find that understandable, but if you are worried its going to ruin the skyline, I need a better argument than that to be swayed.


tori the great said...

Wow, that's incredible... How long can the oil tycoons win? I would have been impressed if you had told me that that 100 square mile section could power all of LasVegas, but the whole country... still in awe.

Fresh Mom said...

Unfortunately you have to consider the cost of the infrastructure too, I'm betting there aren't any lines out in the desert to carry that power anywhere right now. If you are really interested in the topic of energy check out the NPR series going on right now... v. interesting: http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=103281114

Spoth56 said...

here's the argument against wind turbines: http://xkcd.com/556