Who You Creepin'?

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

5 Golf Goals, Progress.

Goal 1: Get 5 lessons this year from someone who knows what they are talking about
Progress: I have taken 2 lessons out of my 5, and they have been amazing. My game has turned around a lot, and I know it has more to do with the lessons than the frequency, I am playing with a purpose, and he has been tremendously helpful. Next lesson is short game only, so that will be good.

Goal 2: I don't want to shoot 100 ever again. Starting 4/1/09. Ever.
Progress: I shot a 100 or 101 at Braintree in April, but nothing has been close since. I should add that I played exceptionally bad on the front in Braintree, and exceptionally well on the back. Doing okay with this goal - I think 100 is a distant memory.

Goal 3: Figure out some consistency with my 3 wood, 5 wood and hybrid off of the tee by the 4th of July.
Progress: I have been hitting my 3, 5 and hybrid off the fairways pretty well, I haven't given them too much time off of the tee so far, so I am not sure. But I do feel like this problem will be solved by 7/4.

Goal 4: As an immediate "Summer of '09 Goal", I realistically want to hold myself to no more than 2 holes of 3-putt in a round.
Progress: I haven't been keeping track, but 2-3 3-putts is I think roughly where I am ending up. I will start keeping track and recording.

Goal 5: Work on my short game as much as anything else, while at the range or practicing.
Progress: I have been working on this, and I am much better around the greens - I tend to avoid going back and forth across a green now. I will work on this a lot more, I think I need to quantify it. I can start by keeping track of my scores from 100 yards in - how many strokes it took me to score, and figuring out how to improve that.


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