Who You Creepin'?

Saturday, October 14, 2006


Watched the Celtics tonight at my 2nd favorite apartment in the world, with Grum, Jake, Josh and Bomb Jones. It was awesome, an awesome prelude to what will be an awesome season. I am going to about 11 or 12 games this year, at a minimum, and I'm real excited about it. Celtics rule, for serious. Tonight will forever be the night that at least 5 members of Green 16 fell in love with Sebastian Telfair.

After work I went to the YMCA and hit up the pool. Last time I went 22 laps I think, and Friday I wanted to commit to beating that. I was sorta sick of just doing 2 or 3 or 5 laps at a time, and wanted to do more of a solid chunk of swimming.

I decided to do 24 laps (.67 miles), 3 sets of 8, with very little stopping. Within each set of 8, I only stopped to fix goggles a few times, no other stopping. Between sets of 8, I would stop for 2-3 minutes just to get my breath.

Weird how the Y was packed (one lane had 3 people in it) last weekend, which was a getaway holiday weekend, while this Friday night I was one of 2 people in the pool the whole evening.

Workout: 24 laps at the Y (.67 miles). Sunday I run 7 miles, route TBD.

1 comment:

Adam HH said...

You are the frigg'n man!
I haven't run since training with Jethro at UMass.

Okay maybe that's a lie, but I wanted it to seem like a real long time.

I think running in the morning would actually be pretty awesome -- you kinda have the world to yourself, it energizes you and prepares you physically and mentally for a long frigg'n day ... and it's cold as hell.