Who You Creepin'?

Wednesday, October 04, 2006


I am in training. I am in training for a half marathon.

A few years ago, a few months ago, even, I could have never imagined doing what I am doing. It isn't the physical aspect of getting up and running, cuz I could imagine that. I don't mind doing athletic things, but I just have always had such a negative outlook on running and what it is and the time it consumes...

I guess what I don't think I could have imagined for myself was how much I am enjoying this whole experience. Its going to start to get tough, but I am having fun, so who cares. Here is a basic breakdown of my training:

Monday Nights - Swim. I am up to 1/2 mile in about 30 minutes now, I want to start to increase that each week, eventually doing a mile and seeing how long that takes, and improving that time.

Tuesday Nights - Run. 30 minutes. I am trying to increase my distance in a 30 minute period. I went from 3 milse to 3.25, but it was hard. I need to find a flatter run. But I wan to increase from 3.25 weekly, even if just a little bit.

Wednesday Nights - Walk/XT. I am hoping to start swimming Wednesdays, see Monday. If not, I've been walking or softball or SOMETHING else besides NOTHING.

Thursday Nights - See Tuesday.

Friday Nights - See Wednesday.

Saturday - off

Sunday - The "long" run. The 17 week training program I am on has the following Sunday run schedule. 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 5, 10, 5, 11, 5, 12, 13, 5, 5K, 7, HALF MARATHON RACEDAY.

So, I am currently in the middle of week 4 of training, my Sunday runs have been fun, slightly difficult, but not overwhelming. I have pushed myself harder on Tues/Thurs (and more recently, during my swim) than I have on Sunday's, but I know with these numbers (6, 7, 8 and 9!!) I am starting to get a bit nervous. But I'll just go out and do it.

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